JSON conversion and parsing for VBA (Windows and Mac Excel, Access, and other Office applications). It grew out of the excellent project [vba-json](
https://code.google.com/p/vba-json/ ),
Download from ME
Tested in Windows Excel 2013 and Excel for Mac 2011, but should apply to 2007+.
''---------------------------------------------------------------------- '
' VBA-JSON v2.2.3
' (c) Tim Hall - https://github.com/VBA-tools/VBA-JSON
' JSON Converter for VBA
' Errors:
' 10001 - JSON parse error
' @class JsonConverter
' @author tim.hall.engr@gmail.com
' @license MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '
' Based originally on vba-json (with extensive changes)
' BSD license included below
' JSONLib, http://code.google.com/p/vba-json/
' Copyright (c) 2013, Ryo Yokoyama
' All rights reserved.
' Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
' modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
' * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
' notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
' * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
' notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
' documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
' * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the
' names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
' derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '
Option Explicit
' === VBA-UTC Headers
#If Mac Then
#If VBA7 Then
' 64-bit Mac (2016)
Private Declare PtrSafe Function utc_popen Lib "libc.dylib" Alias "popen" _
(ByVal utc_Command As String , ByVal utc_Mode As String ) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Function utc_pclose Lib "libc.dylib" Alias "pclose" _
(ByVal utc_File As Long ) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Function utc_fread Lib "libc.dylib" Alias "fread" _
(ByVal utc_Buffer As String , ByVal utc_Size As LongPtr, ByVal utc_Number As LongPtr, ByVal utc_File As LongPtr) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Function utc_feof Lib "libc.dylib" Alias "feof" _
(ByVal utc_File As LongPtr) As LongPtr
' 32-bit Mac
Private Declare Function utc_popen Lib "libc.dylib" Alias "popen" _
(ByVal utc_Command As String , ByVal utc_Mode As String ) As Long
Private Declare Function utc_pclose Lib "libc.dylib" Alias "pclose" _
(ByVal utc_File As Long ) As Long
Private Declare Function utc_fread Lib "libc.dylib" Alias "fread" _
(ByVal utc_Buffer As String , ByVal utc_Size As Long , ByVal utc_Number As Long , ByVal utc_File As Long ) As Long
Private Declare Function utc_feof Lib "libc.dylib" Alias "feof" _
(ByVal utc_File As Long ) As Long
#End If
#ElseIf VBA7 Then
' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724421.aspx
' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724949.aspx
' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms725485.aspx
Private Declare PtrSafe Function utc_GetTimeZoneInformation Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTimeZoneInformation" _
(utc_lpTimeZoneInformation As utc_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function utc_SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime Lib "kernel32" Alias "SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime" _
(utc_lpTimeZoneInformation As utc_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION, utc_lpUniversalTime As utc_SYSTEMTIME, utc_lpLocalTime As utc_SYSTEMTIME) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function utc_TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime Lib "kernel32" Alias "TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime" _
(utc_lpTimeZoneInformation As utc_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION, utc_lpLocalTime As utc_SYSTEMTIME, utc_lpUniversalTime As utc_SYSTEMTIME) As Long
Private Declare Function utc_GetTimeZoneInformation Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTimeZoneInformation" _
(utc_lpTimeZoneInformation As utc_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION) As Long
Private Declare Function utc_SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime Lib "kernel32" Alias "SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime" _
(utc_lpTimeZoneInformation As utc_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION, utc_lpUniversalTime As utc_SYSTEMTIME, utc_lpLocalTime As utc_SYSTEMTIME) As Long
Private Declare Function utc_TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime Lib "kernel32" Alias "TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime" _
(utc_lpTimeZoneInformation As utc_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION, utc_lpLocalTime As utc_SYSTEMTIME, utc_lpUniversalTime As utc_SYSTEMTIME) As Long
#End If
#If Mac Then
#If VBA7 Then
Private Type utc_ShellResult
utc_Output As String
utc_ExitCode As LongPtr
End Type
Private Type utc_ShellResult
utc_Output As String
utc_ExitCode As Long
End Type
#End If
Private Type utc_SYSTEMTIME
utc_wYear As Integer
utc_wMonth As Integer
utc_wDayOfWeek As Integer
utc_wDay As Integer
utc_wHour As Integer
utc_wMinute As Integer
utc_wSecond As Integer
utc_wMilliseconds As Integer
End Type
utc_Bias As Long
utc_StandardName(0 To 31) As Integer
utc_StandardDate As utc_SYSTEMTIME
utc_StandardBias As Long
utc_DaylightName(0 To 31) As Integer
utc_DaylightDate As utc_SYSTEMTIME
utc_DaylightBias As Long
End Type
#End If
' === End VBA-UTC
#If Mac Then
#ElseIf VBA7 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub json_CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(json_MemoryDestination As Any, json_MemorySource As Any, ByVal json_ByteLength As Long )
Private Declare Sub json_CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(json_MemoryDestination As Any, json_MemorySource As Any, ByVal json_ByteLength As Long )
#End If
Private Type json_Options
' VBA only stores 15 significant digits, so any numbers larger than that are truncated
' This can lead to issues when BIGINT's are used (e.g. for Ids or Credit Cards), as they will be invalid above 15 digits
' See: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/269370
' By default, VBA-JSON will use String for numbers longer than 15 characters that contain only digits
' to override set `JsonConverter.JsonOptions.UseDoubleForLargeNumbers = True`
UseDoubleForLargeNumbers As Boolean
' The JSON standard requires object keys to be quoted (" or '), use this option to allow unquoted keys
AllowUnquotedKeys As Boolean
' The solidus (/) is not required to be escaped, use this option to escape them as \/ in ConvertToJson
EscapeSolidus As Boolean
End Type
Public JsonOptions As json_Options
' ============================================= '
' Public Methods
' ============================================= '
' Convert JSON string to object (Dictionary/Collection)
' @method ParseJson
' @param {String} json_String
' @return {Object} (Dictionary or Collection)
' @throws 10001 - JSON parse error
Public Function ParseJson(ByVal JsonString As String ) As Object
Dim json_Index As Long
json_Index = 1
' Remove vbCr, vbLf, and vbTab from json_String
JsonString = VBA.Replace(VBA.Replace(VBA.Replace(JsonString, VBA.vbCr, "" ), VBA.vbLf, "" ), VBA.vbTab, "" )
json_SkipSpaces JsonString, json_Index
Select Case VBA.Mid$(JsonString, json_Index, 1)
Case "{"
Set ParseJson = json_ParseObject(JsonString, json_Index)
Case "["
Set ParseJson = json_ParseArray(JsonString, json_Index)
Case Else
' Error: Invalid JSON string
Err.Raise 10001, "JSONConverter" , json_ParseErrorMessage(JsonString, json_Index, "Expecting '{' or '['" )
End Select
End Function
' Convert object (Dictionary/Collection/Array) to JSON
' @method ConvertToJson
' @param {Variant} JsonValue (Dictionary, Collection, or Array)
' @param {Integer|String} Whitespace "Pretty" print json with given number of spaces per indentation (Integer) or given string
' @return {String}
Public Function ConvertToJson(ByVal JsonValue As Variant , Optional ByVal Whitespace As Variant , Optional ByVal json_CurrentIndentation As Long = 0) As String
Dim json_buffer As String
Dim json_BufferPosition As Long
Dim json_BufferLength As Long
Dim json_Index As Long
Dim json_LBound As Long
Dim json_UBound As Long
Dim json_IsFirstItem As Boolean
Dim json_Index2D As Long
Dim json_LBound2D As Long
Dim json_UBound2D As Long
Dim json_IsFirstItem2D As Boolean
Dim json_Key As Variant
Dim json_Value As Variant
Dim json_DateStr As String
Dim json_Converted As String
Dim json_SkipItem As Boolean
Dim json_PrettyPrint As Boolean
Dim json_Indentation As String
Dim json_InnerIndentation As String
json_LBound = -1
json_UBound = -1
json_IsFirstItem = True
json_LBound2D = -1
json_UBound2D = -1
json_IsFirstItem2D = True
json_PrettyPrint = Not IsMissing(Whitespace)
Select Case VBA.VarType(JsonValue)
Case VBA.vbNull
ConvertToJson = "null"
Case VBA.vbDate
' Date
json_DateStr = ConvertToIso(VBA.CDate(JsonValue))
ConvertToJson = "" "" & json_DateStr & "" ""
Case VBA.vbString
' String (or large number encoded as string)
If Not JsonOptions.UseDoubleForLargeNumbers And json_StringIsLargeNumber(JsonValue) Then
ConvertToJson = JsonValue
ConvertToJson = "" "" & json_Encode(JsonValue) & "" ""
End If
Case VBA.vbBoolean
If JsonValue Then
ConvertToJson = "true"
ConvertToJson = "false"
End If
Case VBA.vbArray To VBA.vbArray + VBA.vbByte
If json_PrettyPrint Then
If VBA.VarType(Whitespace) = VBA.vbString Then
json_Indentation = VBA.String $(json_CurrentIndentation + 1, Whitespace)
json_InnerIndentation = VBA.String $(json_CurrentIndentation + 2, Whitespace)
json_Indentation = VBA.Space$((json_CurrentIndentation + 1) * Whitespace)
json_InnerIndentation = VBA.Space$((json_CurrentIndentation + 2) * Whitespace)
End If
End If
' Array
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, "[" , json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
On Error Resume Next
json_LBound = LBound (JsonValue, 1)
json_UBound = UBound (JsonValue, 1)
json_LBound2D = LBound (JsonValue, 2)
json_UBound2D = UBound (JsonValue, 2)
If json_LBound >= 0 And json_UBound >= 0 Then
For json_Index = json_LBound To json_UBound
If json_IsFirstItem Then
json_IsFirstItem = False
' Append comma to previous line
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, "," , json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
End If
If json_LBound2D >= 0 And json_UBound2D >= 0 Then
' 2D Array
If json_PrettyPrint Then
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, vbNewLine, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
End If
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, json_Indentation & "[" , json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
For json_Index2D = json_LBound2D To json_UBound2D
If json_IsFirstItem2D Then
json_IsFirstItem2D = False
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, "," , json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
End If
json_Converted = ConvertToJson(JsonValue(json_Index, json_Index2D), Whitespace, json_CurrentIndentation + 2)
' For Arrays/Collections, undefined (Empty/Nothing) is treated as null
If json_Converted = "" Then
' (nest to only check if converted = "")
If json_IsUndefined(JsonValue(json_Index, json_Index2D)) Then
json_Converted = "null"
End If
End If
If json_PrettyPrint Then
json_Converted = vbNewLine & json_InnerIndentation & json_Converted
End If
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, json_Converted, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
Next json_Index2D
If json_PrettyPrint Then
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, vbNewLine, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
End If
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, json_Indentation & "]" , json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
json_IsFirstItem2D = True
' 1D Array
json_Converted = ConvertToJson(JsonValue(json_Index), Whitespace, json_CurrentIndentation + 1)
' For Arrays/Collections, undefined (Empty/Nothing) is treated as null
If json_Converted = "" Then
' (nest to only check if converted = "")
If json_IsUndefined(JsonValue(json_Index)) Then
json_Converted = "null"
End If
End If
If json_PrettyPrint Then
json_Converted = vbNewLine & json_Indentation & json_Converted
End If
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, json_Converted, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
End If
Next json_Index
End If
On Error GoTo 0
If json_PrettyPrint Then
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, vbNewLine, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
If VBA.VarType(Whitespace) = VBA.vbString Then
json_Indentation = VBA.String $(json_CurrentIndentation, Whitespace)
json_Indentation = VBA.Space$(json_CurrentIndentation * Whitespace)
End If
End If
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, json_Indentation & "]" , json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
ConvertToJson = json_BufferToString(json_buffer, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength)
' Dictionary or Collection
Case VBA.vbObject
If json_PrettyPrint Then
If VBA.VarType(Whitespace) = VBA.vbString Then
json_Indentation = VBA.String $(json_CurrentIndentation + 1, Whitespace)
json_Indentation = VBA.Space$((json_CurrentIndentation + 1) * Whitespace)
End If
End If
' Dictionary
If VBA.TypeName(JsonValue) = "Dictionary" Then
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, "{" , json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
For Each json_Key In JsonValue.Keys
' For Objects, undefined (Empty/Nothing) is not added to object
json_Converted = ConvertToJson(JsonValue(json_Key), Whitespace, json_CurrentIndentation + 1)
If json_Converted = "" Then
json_SkipItem = json_IsUndefined(JsonValue(json_Key))
json_SkipItem = False
End If
If Not json_SkipItem Then
If json_IsFirstItem Then
json_IsFirstItem = False
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, "," , json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
End If
If json_PrettyPrint Then
json_Converted = vbNewLine & json_Indentation & "" "" & json_Key & "" ": " & json_Converted
json_Converted = "" "" & json_Key & "" ":" & json_Converted
End If
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, json_Converted, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
End If
Next json_Key
If json_PrettyPrint Then
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, vbNewLine, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
If VBA.VarType(Whitespace) = VBA.vbString Then
json_Indentation = VBA.String $(json_CurrentIndentation, Whitespace)
json_Indentation = VBA.Space$(json_CurrentIndentation * Whitespace)
End If
End If
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, json_Indentation & "}" , json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
' Collection
ElseIf VBA.TypeName(JsonValue) = "Collection" Then
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, "[" , json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
For Each json_Value In JsonValue
If json_IsFirstItem Then
json_IsFirstItem = False
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, "," , json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
End If
json_Converted = ConvertToJson(json_Value, Whitespace, json_CurrentIndentation + 1)
' For Arrays/Collections, undefined (Empty/Nothing) is treated as null
If json_Converted = "" Then
' (nest to only check if converted = "")
If json_IsUndefined(json_Value) Then
json_Converted = "null"
End If
End If
If json_PrettyPrint Then
json_Converted = vbNewLine & json_Indentation & json_Converted
End If
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, json_Converted, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
Next json_Value
If json_PrettyPrint Then
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, vbNewLine, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
If VBA.VarType(Whitespace) = VBA.vbString Then
json_Indentation = VBA.String $(json_CurrentIndentation, Whitespace)
json_Indentation = VBA.Space$(json_CurrentIndentation * Whitespace)
End If
End If
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, json_Indentation & "]" , json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
End If
ConvertToJson = json_BufferToString(json_buffer, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength)
Case VBA.vbInteger, VBA.vbLong, VBA.vbSingle, VBA.vbDouble, VBA.vbCurrency, VBA.vbDecimal
' Number (use decimals for numbers)
ConvertToJson = VBA.Replace(JsonValue, "," , "." )
Case Else
' vbEmpty, vbError, vbDataObject, vbByte, vbUserDefinedType
' Use VBA's built-in to-string
On Error Resume Next
ConvertToJson = JsonValue
On Error GoTo 0
End Select
End Function
' ============================================= '
' Private Functions
' ============================================= '
Private Function json_ParseObject(json_String As String , ByRef json_Index As Long ) As Dictionary
Dim json_Key As String
Dim json_NextChar As String
Set json_ParseObject = New Dictionary
json_SkipSpaces json_String, json_Index
If VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1) <> "{" Then
Err.Raise 10001, "JSONConverter" , json_ParseErrorMessage(json_String, json_Index, "Expecting '{'" )
json_Index = json_Index + 1
json_SkipSpaces json_String, json_Index
If VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1) = "}" Then
json_Index = json_Index + 1
Exit Function
ElseIf VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1) = "," Then
json_Index = json_Index + 1
json_SkipSpaces json_String, json_Index
End If
json_Key = json_ParseKey(json_String, json_Index)
json_NextChar = json_Peek(json_String, json_Index)
If json_NextChar = "[" Or json_NextChar = "{" Then
Set json_ParseObject.Item(json_Key) = json_ParseValue(json_String, json_Index)
json_ParseObject.Item(json_Key) = json_ParseValue(json_String, json_Index)
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function json_ParseArray(json_String As String , ByRef json_Index As Long ) As Collection
Set json_ParseArray = New Collection
json_SkipSpaces json_String, json_Index
If VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1) <> "[" Then
Err.Raise 10001, "JSONConverter" , json_ParseErrorMessage(json_String, json_Index, "Expecting '['" )
json_Index = json_Index + 1
json_SkipSpaces json_String, json_Index
If VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1) = "]" Then
json_Index = json_Index + 1
Exit Function
ElseIf VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1) = "," Then
json_Index = json_Index + 1
json_SkipSpaces json_String, json_Index
End If
json_ParseArray.Add json_ParseValue(json_String, json_Index)
End If
End Function
Private Function json_ParseValue(json_String As String , ByRef json_Index As Long ) As Variant
json_SkipSpaces json_String, json_Index
Select Case VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1)
Case "{"
Set json_ParseValue = json_ParseObject(json_String, json_Index)
Case "["
Set json_ParseValue = json_ParseArray(json_String, json_Index)
Case "" "" , "'"
json_ParseValue = json_ParseString(json_String, json_Index)
Case Else
If VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 4) = "true" Then
json_ParseValue = True
json_Index = json_Index + 4
ElseIf VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 5) = "false" Then
json_ParseValue = False
json_Index = json_Index + 5
ElseIf VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 4) = "null" Then
json_ParseValue = Null
json_Index = json_Index + 4
ElseIf VBA.InStr("+-0123456789" , VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1)) Then
json_ParseValue = json_ParseNumber(json_String, json_Index)
Err.Raise 10001, "JSONConverter" , json_ParseErrorMessage(json_String, json_Index, "Expecting 'STRING', 'NUMBER', null, true, false, '{', or '['" )
End If
End Select
End Function
Private Function json_ParseString(json_String As String , ByRef json_Index As Long ) As String
Dim json_Quote As String
Dim json_Char As String
Dim json_Code As String
Dim json_buffer As String
Dim json_BufferPosition As Long
Dim json_BufferLength As Long
json_SkipSpaces json_String, json_Index
' Store opening quote to look for matching closing quote
json_Quote = VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1)
json_Index = json_Index + 1
Do While json_Index > 0 And json_Index <= Len(json_String)
json_Char = VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1)
Select Case json_Char
Case "\"
' Escaped string, \\, or \/
json_Index = json_Index + 1
json_Char = VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1)
Select Case json_Char
Case "" "" , "\" , "/" , "'"
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, json_Char, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
json_Index = json_Index + 1
Case "b"
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, vbBack, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
json_Index = json_Index + 1
Case "f"
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, vbFormFeed, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
json_Index = json_Index + 1
Case "n"
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, vbCrLf, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
json_Index = json_Index + 1
Case "r"
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, vbCr, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
json_Index = json_Index + 1
Case "t"
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, vbTab, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
json_Index = json_Index + 1
Case "u"
' Unicode character escape (e.g. \u00a9 = Copyright)
json_Index = json_Index + 1
json_Code = VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 4)
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, VBA.ChrW(VBA.Val("&h" + json_Code)), json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
json_Index = json_Index + 4
End Select
Case json_Quote
json_ParseString = json_BufferToString(json_buffer, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength)
json_Index = json_Index + 1
Exit Function
Case Else
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, json_Char, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
json_Index = json_Index + 1
End Select
End Function
Private Function json_ParseNumber(json_String As String , ByRef json_Index As Long ) As Variant
Dim json_Char As String
Dim json_Value As String
Dim json_IsLargeNumber As Boolean
json_SkipSpaces json_String, json_Index
Do While json_Index > 0 And json_Index <= Len(json_String)
json_Char = VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1)
If VBA.InStr("+-0123456789.eE" , json_Char) Then
' Unlikely to have massive number, so use simple append rather than buffer here
json_Value = json_Value & json_Char
json_Index = json_Index + 1
' Excel only stores 15 significant digits, so any numbers larger than that are truncated
' This can lead to issues when BIGINT's are used (e.g. for Ids or Credit Cards), as they will be invalid above 15 digits
' See: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/269370
' Fix: Parse -> String, Convert -> String longer than 15/16 characters containing only numbers and decimal points -> Number
' (decimal doesn't factor into significant digit count, so if present check for 15 digits + decimal = 16)
json_IsLargeNumber = IIf(InStr(json_Value, "." ), Len(json_Value) >= 17, Len(json_Value) >= 16)
If Not JsonOptions.UseDoubleForLargeNumbers And json_IsLargeNumber Then
json_ParseNumber = json_Value
' VBA.Val does not use regional settings, so guard for comma is not needed
json_ParseNumber = VBA.Val(json_Value)
End If
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Private Function json_ParseKey(json_String As String , ByRef json_Index As Long ) As String
' Parse key with single or double quotes
If VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1) = "" "" Or VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1) = "'" Then
json_ParseKey = json_ParseString(json_String, json_Index)
ElseIf JsonOptions.AllowUnquotedKeys Then
Dim json_Char As String
Do While json_Index > 0 And json_Index <= Len(json_String)
json_Char = VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1)
If (json_Char <> " " ) And (json_Char <> ":" ) Then
json_ParseKey = json_ParseKey & json_Char
json_Index = json_Index + 1
Exit Do
End If
Err.Raise 10001, "JSONConverter" , json_ParseErrorMessage(json_String, json_Index, "Expecting '" "' or '''" )
End If
' Check for colon and skip if present or throw if not present
json_SkipSpaces json_String, json_Index
If VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1) <> ":" Then
Err.Raise 10001, "JSONConverter" , json_ParseErrorMessage(json_String, json_Index, "Expecting ':'" )
json_Index = json_Index + 1
End If
End Function
Private Function json_IsUndefined(ByVal json_Value As Variant ) As Boolean
' Empty / Nothing -> undefined
Select Case VBA.VarType(json_Value)
Case VBA.vbEmpty
json_IsUndefined = True
Case VBA.vbObject
Select Case VBA.TypeName(json_Value)
Case "Empty" , "Nothing"
json_IsUndefined = True
End Select
End Select
End Function
Private Function json_Encode(ByVal json_Text As Variant ) As String
' Reference: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt
' Escape: ", \, /, backspace, form feed, line feed, carriage return, tab
Dim json_Index As Long
Dim json_Char As String
Dim json_AscCode As Long
Dim json_buffer As String
Dim json_BufferPosition As Long
Dim json_BufferLength As Long
For json_Index = 1 To VBA.Len(json_Text)
json_Char = VBA.Mid$(json_Text, json_Index, 1)
json_AscCode = VBA.AscW(json_Char)
' When AscW returns a negative number, it returns the twos complement form of that number.
' To convert the twos complement notation into normal binary notation, add 0xFFF to the return result.
' https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/272138
If json_AscCode < 0 Then
json_AscCode = json_AscCode + 65536
End If
' From spec, ", \, and control characters must be escaped (solidus is optional)
Select Case json_AscCode
Case 34
' " -> 34 -> \"
json_Char = "\" ""
Case 92
' \ -> 92 -> \\
json_Char = "\\"
Case 47
' / -> 47 -> \/ (optional)
If JsonOptions.EscapeSolidus Then
json_Char = "\/"
End If
Case 8
' backspace -> 8 -> \b
json_Char = "\b"
Case 12
' form feed -> 12 -> \f
json_Char = "\f"
Case 10
' line feed -> 10 -> \n
json_Char = "\n"
Case 13
' carriage return -> 13 -> \r
json_Char = "\r"
Case 9
' tab -> 9 -> \t
json_Char = "\t"
Case 0 To 31, 127 To 65535
' Non-ascii characters -> convert to 4-digit hex
json_Char = "\u" & VBA.Right$("0000" & VBA.Hex$(json_AscCode), 4)
End Select
json_BufferAppend json_buffer, json_Char, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength
Next json_Index
json_Encode = json_BufferToString(json_buffer, json_BufferPosition, json_BufferLength)
End Function
Private Function json_Peek(json_String As String , ByVal json_Index As Long , Optional json_NumberOfCharacters As Long = 1) As String
' "Peek" at the next number of characters without incrementing json_Index (ByVal instead of ByRef)
json_SkipSpaces json_String, json_Index
json_Peek = VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, json_NumberOfCharacters)
End Function
Private Sub json_SkipSpaces(json_String As String , ByRef json_Index As Long )
' Increment index to skip over spaces
Do While json_Index > 0 And json_Index <= VBA.Len(json_String) And VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_Index, 1) = " "
json_Index = json_Index + 1
End Sub
Private Function json_StringIsLargeNumber(json_String As Variant ) As Boolean
' Check if the given string is considered a "large number"
' (See json_ParseNumber)
Dim json_Length As Long
Dim json_CharIndex As Long
json_Length = VBA.Len(json_String)
' Length with be at least 16 characters and assume will be less than 100 characters
If json_Length >= 16 And json_Length <= 100 Then
Dim json_CharCode As String
Dim json_Index As Long
json_StringIsLargeNumber = True
For json_CharIndex = 1 To json_Length
json_CharCode = VBA.Asc(VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_CharIndex, 1))
Select Case json_CharCode
' Look for .|0-9|E|e
Case 46, 48 To 57, 69, 101
' Continue through characters
Case Else
json_StringIsLargeNumber = False
Exit Function
End Select
Next json_CharIndex
End If
End Function
Private Function json_ParseErrorMessage(json_String As String , ByRef json_Index As Long , ErrorMessage As String )
' Provide detailed parse error message, including details of where and what occurred
' Example:
' Error parsing JSON:
' {"abcde":True}
' ^
' Expecting 'STRING', 'NUMBER', null, true, false, '{', or '['
Dim json_StartIndex As Long
Dim json_StopIndex As Long
' Include 10 characters before and after error (if possible)
json_StartIndex = json_Index - 10
json_StopIndex = json_Index + 10
If json_StartIndex <= 0 Then
json_StartIndex = 1
End If
If json_StopIndex > VBA.Len(json_String) Then
json_StopIndex = VBA.Len(json_String)
End If
json_ParseErrorMessage = "Error parsing JSON:" & VBA.vbNewLine & _
VBA.Mid$(json_String, json_StartIndex, json_StopIndex - json_StartIndex + 1) & VBA.vbNewLine & _
VBA.Space$(json_Index - json_StartIndex) & "^" & VBA.vbNewLine & _
End Function
Private Sub json_BufferAppend(ByRef json_buffer As String , _
ByRef json_Append As Variant , _
ByRef json_BufferPosition As Long , _
ByRef json_BufferLength As Long )
#If Mac Then
json_buffer = json_buffer & json_Append
' VBA can be slow to append strings due to allocating a new string for each append
' Instead of using the traditional append, allocate a large empty string and then copy string at append position
' Example:
' Buffer: "abc "
' Append: "def"
' Buffer Position: 3
' Buffer Length: 5
' Buffer position + Append length > Buffer length -> Append chunk of blank space to buffer
' Buffer: "abc "
' Buffer Length: 10
' Copy memory for "def" into buffer at position 3 (0-based)
' Buffer: "abcdef "
' Approach based on cStringBuilder from vbAccelerator
' http://www.vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Code/Techniques/RunTime_Debug_Tracing/VB6_Tracer_Utility_zip_cStringBuilder_cls.asp
Dim json_AppendLength As Long
Dim json_LengthPlusPosition As Long
json_AppendLength = VBA.LenB(json_Append)
json_LengthPlusPosition = json_AppendLength + json_BufferPosition
If json_LengthPlusPosition > json_BufferLength Then
' Appending would overflow buffer, add chunks until buffer is long enough
Dim json_TemporaryLength As Long
json_TemporaryLength = json_BufferLength
Do While json_TemporaryLength < json_LengthPlusPosition
' Initially, initialize string with 255 characters,
' then add large chunks (8192) after that
' Size: # Characters x 2 bytes / character
If json_TemporaryLength = 0 Then
json_TemporaryLength = json_TemporaryLength + 510
json_TemporaryLength = json_TemporaryLength + 16384
End If
json_buffer = json_buffer & VBA.Space$((json_TemporaryLength - json_BufferLength) \ 2)
json_BufferLength = json_TemporaryLength
End If
' Copy memory from append to buffer at buffer position
json_CopyMemory ByVal json_UnsignedAdd(StrPtr(json_buffer), _
json_BufferPosition), _
ByVal StrPtr(json_Append), _
json_BufferPosition = json_BufferPosition + json_AppendLength
#End If
End Sub
Private Function json_BufferToString(ByRef json_buffer As String , ByVal json_BufferPosition As Long , ByVal json_BufferLength As Long ) As String
#If Mac Then
json_BufferToString = json_buffer
If json_BufferPosition > 0 Then
json_BufferToString = VBA.Left$(json_buffer, json_BufferPosition \ 2)
End If
#End If
End Function
#If VBA7 Then
Private Function json_UnsignedAdd(json_Start As LongPtr, json_Increment As Long ) As LongPtr
Private Function json_UnsignedAdd(json_Start As Long , json_Increment As Long ) As Long
#End If
If json_Start And &H80000000 Then
json_UnsignedAdd = json_Start + json_Increment
ElseIf (json_Start Or &H80000000) < -json_Increment Then
json_UnsignedAdd = json_Start + json_Increment
json_UnsignedAdd = (json_Start + &H80000000) + (json_Increment + &H80000000)
End If
End Function
' VBA-UTC v1.0.3
' (c) Tim Hall - https://github.com/VBA-tools/VBA-UtcConverter
' UTC/ISO 8601 Converter for VBA
' Errors:
' 10011 - UTC parsing error
' 10012 - UTC conversion error
' 10013 - ISO 8601 parsing error
' 10014 - ISO 8601 conversion error
' @module UtcConverter
' @author tim.hall.engr@gmail.com
' @license MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '
' (Declarations moved to top)
' ============================================= '
' Public Methods
' ============================================= '
' Parse UTC date to local date
' @method ParseUtc
' @param {Date} UtcDate
' @return {Date} Local date
' @throws 10011 - UTC parsing error
Public Function ParseUtc(utc_UtcDate As Date ) As Date
On Error GoTo utc_ErrorHandling
#If Mac Then
ParseUtc = utc_ConvertDate(utc_UtcDate)
Dim utc_TimeZoneInfo As utc_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION
Dim utc_LocalDate As utc_SYSTEMTIME
utc_GetTimeZoneInformation utc_TimeZoneInfo
utc_SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime utc_TimeZoneInfo, utc_DateToSystemTime(utc_UtcDate), utc_LocalDate
ParseUtc = utc_SystemTimeToDate(utc_LocalDate)
#End If
Exit Function
Err.Raise 10011, "UtcConverter.ParseUtc" , "UTC parsing error: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Function
' Convert local date to UTC date
' @method ConvertToUrc
' @param {Date} utc_LocalDate
' @return {Date} UTC date
' @throws 10012 - UTC conversion error
Public Function ConvertToUtc(utc_LocalDate As Date ) As Date
On Error GoTo utc_ErrorHandling
#If Mac Then
ConvertToUtc = utc_ConvertDate(utc_LocalDate, utc_ConvertToUtc:=True )
Dim utc_TimeZoneInfo As utc_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION
Dim utc_UtcDate As utc_SYSTEMTIME
utc_GetTimeZoneInformation utc_TimeZoneInfo
utc_TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime utc_TimeZoneInfo, utc_DateToSystemTime(utc_LocalDate), utc_UtcDate
ConvertToUtc = utc_SystemTimeToDate(utc_UtcDate)
#End If
Exit Function
Err.Raise 10012, "UtcConverter.ConvertToUtc" , "UTC conversion error: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Function
' Parse ISO 8601 date string to local date
' @method ParseIso
' @param {Date} utc_IsoString
' @return {Date} Local date
' @throws 10013 - ISO 8601 parsing error
Public Function ParseIso(utc_IsoString As String ) As Date
On Error GoTo utc_ErrorHandling
Dim utc_Parts() As String
Dim utc_DateParts() As String
Dim utc_TimeParts() As String
Dim utc_OffsetIndex As Long
Dim utc_HasOffset As Boolean
Dim utc_NegativeOffset As Boolean
Dim utc_OffsetParts() As String
Dim utc_Offset As Date
utc_Parts = VBA.Split(utc_IsoString, "T" )
utc_DateParts = VBA.Split(utc_Parts(0), "-" )
ParseIso = VBA.DateSerial(VBA.CInt(utc_DateParts(0)), VBA.CInt(utc_DateParts(1)), VBA.CInt(utc_DateParts(2)))
If UBound (utc_Parts) > 0 Then
If VBA.InStr(utc_Parts(1), "Z" ) Then
utc_TimeParts = VBA.Split(VBA.Replace(utc_Parts(1), "Z" , "" ), ":" )
utc_OffsetIndex = VBA.InStr(1, utc_Parts(1), "+" )
If utc_OffsetIndex = 0 Then
utc_NegativeOffset = True
utc_OffsetIndex = VBA.InStr(1, utc_Parts(1), "-" )
End If
If utc_OffsetIndex > 0 Then
utc_HasOffset = True
utc_TimeParts = VBA.Split(VBA.Left$(utc_Parts(1), utc_OffsetIndex - 1), ":" )
utc_OffsetParts = VBA.Split(VBA.Right$(utc_Parts(1), Len(utc_Parts(1)) - utc_OffsetIndex), ":" )
Select Case UBound (utc_OffsetParts)
Case 0
utc_Offset = TimeSerial(VBA.CInt(utc_OffsetParts(0)), 0, 0)
Case 1
utc_Offset = TimeSerial(VBA.CInt(utc_OffsetParts(0)), VBA.CInt(utc_OffsetParts(1)), 0)
Case 2
' VBA.Val does not use regional settings, use for seconds to avoid decimal/comma issues
utc_Offset = TimeSerial(VBA.CInt(utc_OffsetParts(0)), VBA.CInt(utc_OffsetParts(1)), Int(VBA.Val(utc_OffsetParts(2))))
End Select
If utc_NegativeOffset Then : utc_Offset = -utc_Offset
utc_TimeParts = VBA.Split(utc_Parts(1), ":" )
End If
End If
Select Case UBound (utc_TimeParts)
Case 0
ParseIso = ParseIso + VBA.TimeSerial(VBA.CInt(utc_TimeParts(0)), 0, 0)
Case 1
ParseIso = ParseIso + VBA.TimeSerial(VBA.CInt(utc_TimeParts(0)), VBA.CInt(utc_TimeParts(1)), 0)
Case 2
' VBA.Val does not use regional settings, use for seconds to avoid decimal/comma issues
ParseIso = ParseIso + VBA.TimeSerial(VBA.CInt(utc_TimeParts(0)), VBA.CInt(utc_TimeParts(1)), Int(VBA.Val(utc_TimeParts(2))))
End Select
ParseIso = ParseUtc(ParseIso)
If utc_HasOffset Then
ParseIso = ParseIso + utc_Offset
End If
End If
Exit Function
Err.Raise 10013, "UtcConverter.ParseIso" , "ISO 8601 parsing error for " & utc_IsoString & ": " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Function
' Convert local date to ISO 8601 string
' @method ConvertToIso
' @param {Date} utc_LocalDate
' @return {Date} ISO 8601 string
' @throws 10014 - ISO 8601 conversion error
Public Function ConvertToIso(utc_LocalDate As Date ) As String
On Error GoTo utc_ErrorHandling
ConvertToIso = VBA.Format$(ConvertToUtc(utc_LocalDate), "yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss.000Z" )
Exit Function
Err.Raise 10014, "UtcConverter.ConvertToIso" , "ISO 8601 conversion error: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End Function
' ============================================= '
' Private Functions
' ============================================= '
#If Mac Then
Private Function utc_ConvertDate(utc_Value As Date , Optional utc_ConvertToUtc As Boolean = False ) As Date
Dim utc_ShellCommand As String
Dim utc_Result As utc_ShellResult
Dim utc_Parts() As String
Dim utc_DateParts() As String
Dim utc_TimeParts() As String
If utc_ConvertToUtc Then
utc_ShellCommand = "date -ur `date -jf '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' " & _
"'" & VBA.Format$(utc_Value, "yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss" ) & "' " & _
" +'%s'` +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'"
utc_ShellCommand = "date -jf '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z' " & _
"'" & VBA.Format$(utc_Value, "yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss" ) & " +0000' " & _
"+'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'"
End If
utc_Result = utc_ExecuteInShell(utc_ShellCommand)
If utc_Result.utc_Output = "" Then
Err.Raise 10015, "UtcConverter.utc_ConvertDate" , "'date' command failed"
utc_Parts = Split(utc_Result.utc_Output, " " )
utc_DateParts = Split(utc_Parts(0), "-" )
utc_TimeParts = Split(utc_Parts(1), ":" )
utc_ConvertDate = DateSerial(utc_DateParts(0), utc_DateParts(1), utc_DateParts(2)) + _
TimeSerial(utc_TimeParts(0), utc_TimeParts(1), utc_TimeParts(2))
End If
End Function
Private Function utc_ExecuteInShell(utc_ShellCommand As String ) As utc_ShellResult
#If VBA7 Then
Dim utc_File As LongPtr
Dim utc_Read As LongPtr
Dim utc_File As Long
Dim utc_Read As Long
#End If
Dim utc_Chunk As String
On Error GoTo utc_ErrorHandling
utc_File = utc_popen(utc_ShellCommand, "r" )
If utc_File = 0 Then : Exit Function
Do While utc_feof(utc_File) = 0
utc_Chunk = VBA.Space$(50)
utc_Read = utc_fread(utc_Chunk, 1, Len(utc_Chunk) - 1, utc_File)
If utc_Read > 0 Then
utc_Chunk = VBA.Left$(utc_Chunk, utc_Read)
utc_ExecuteInShell.utc_Output = utc_ExecuteInShell.utc_Output & utc_Chunk
End If
utc_ExecuteInShell.utc_ExitCode = utc_pclose(utc_File)
End Function
Private Function utc_DateToSystemTime(utc_Value As Date ) As utc_SYSTEMTIME
utc_DateToSystemTime.utc_wYear = VBA.Year(utc_Value)
utc_DateToSystemTime.utc_wMonth = VBA.Month(utc_Value)
utc_DateToSystemTime.utc_wDay = VBA.Day(utc_Value)
utc_DateToSystemTime.utc_wHour = VBA.Hour(utc_Value)
utc_DateToSystemTime.utc_wMinute = VBA.Minute(utc_Value)
utc_DateToSystemTime.utc_wSecond = VBA.Second(utc_Value)
utc_DateToSystemTime.utc_wMilliseconds = 0
End Function
Private Function utc_SystemTimeToDate(utc_Value As utc_SYSTEMTIME) As Date
utc_SystemTimeToDate = DateSerial(utc_Value.utc_wYear, utc_Value.utc_wMonth, utc_Value.utc_wDay) + _
TimeSerial(utc_Value.utc_wHour, utc_Value.utc_wMinute, utc_Value.utc_wSecond)
End Function
#End If
- For Windows-only support, include a reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime"
- For Mac and Windows support, include [VBA-Dictionary](https://github.com/VBA-tools/VBA-Dictionary)
# Examples
Dim Json As Object
Set Json = JsonConverter.ParseJson("{" "a" ":123," "b" ":[1,2,3,4]," "c" ":{" "d" ":456}}" )
' Json("a") -> 123
' Json("b")(2) -> 2
' Json("c")("d") -> 456
Json("c" )("e" ) = 789
Debug.Print JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(Json)
' -> "{"a":123,"b":[1,2,3,4],"c":{"d":456,"e":789}}"
Debug.Print JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(Json, Whitespace:=2)
' -> "{
' "a": 123,
' "b": [
' 1,
' 2,
' 3,
' 4
' ],
' "c": {
' "d": 456,
' "e": 789
' }
' }"
' Advanced example: Read .json file and load into sheet (Windows-only)
' (add reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime)
' {"values":[{"a":1,"b":2,"c": 3},...]}
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim JsonTS As TextStream
Dim JsonText As String
Dim Parsed As Dictionary
' Read .json file
Set JsonTS = FSO.OpenTextFile("example.json" , ForReading)
JsonText = JsonTS.ReadAll
' Parse json to Dictionary
' "values" is parsed as Collection
' each item in "values" is parsed as Dictionary
Set Parsed = JsonConverter.ParseJson(JsonText)
' Prepare and write values to sheet
Dim Values As Variant
ReDim Values(Parsed("values" ).Count, 3)
Dim Value As Dictionary
Dim i As Long
i = 0
For Each Value In Parsed("values" )
Values(i, 0) = Value("a" )
Values(i, 1) = Value("b" )
Values(i, 2) = Value("c" )
i = i + 1
Next Value
Sheets("example" ).Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Parsed("values" ).Count, 3)) = Values
## Options
VBA-JSON includes a few options for customizing parsing/conversion if needed:
- __UseDoubleForLargeNumbers__ (Default = `False`) VBA only stores 15 significant digits, so any numbers larger than that are truncated.
This can lead to issues when BIGINT's are used (e.g. for Ids or Credit Cards), as they will be invalid above 15 digits.
By default, VBA-JSON will use `String` for numbers longer than 15 characters that contain only digits, use this option to use `Double` instead.
- __AllowUnquotedKeys__ (Default = `False`) The JSON standard requires object keys to be quoted (`"` or `'`), use this option to allow unquoted keys.
- __EscapeSolidus__ (Default = `False`) The solidus (`/`) is not required to be escaped, use this option to escape them as `\/` in `ConvertToJson`.
JsonConverter.JsonOptions.EscapeSolidus = True
## Installation
2. Import `JsonConverter.bas` into your project (Open VBA Editor, `Alt + F11`; File > Import File)
3. Add `Dictionary` reference/class
- For Windows-only, include a reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime"
## Resources
- [Tutorial Video (Red Stapler)](https://youtu.be/CFFLRmHsEAs)