Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Explanation File for Euler-Romberg Method
Explanation File for Euler-Romberg Method
We want to solve the Cauchy's problem:
| y' = f(x,y)
| with y(x0) = y0
using the Euler-Romberg method.
For that, we calculate approximate values for y1, y2,...yn,
the exact solution is y(x1), y(x2),...y(xn), using an iterative
algorithm based on:
* repeatedly apply the Euler method in the same
interval with an integration step halved after
each iteration.
* linearly extrapolate to obtain a better
This procedure allows getting the same precision all along the
Let be (xn, yn) and a starting step h0, the approximation yn+1
is obtained by building up a table in the same way than in the
integration Romberg method.
We start with estimating an initial value of yn+1, noted y0 by
Euler method, using step h0:
y0 = yn + h0 f(xn,yn)
then the new step is h0/2 and we do the same computations for
all the points of the sub-interval:
h0 y0
1 0
L=1 h0/2 y0 y1
2 2 1 0
L=2 h0/2 y0 y1 y2
k k k-1 1 0
L=k h0/2 y0 y ... y y
1 k-1 k
The first element y0 of the column 0 is an approximation of
y(x ) with the step h0=x - x . The other elements are the
n+1 n-1 n
successive approximations of y(x ) given by the Euler's formula
for h0/2, h0/4... i.e.:
L=1 h1=h0/2
x0=xn y0=yn f0=f(x0,y0)
x1=xn+h1 y1=y0+h1f0 f1=f(x1,y1)
x2=xn+2h1 y2=y1+h1f1 -> Y0 = Y2
The elements Y of the column m (m=1,2...) are obtained by using
the linear extrapolation formula:
k k+1
k Ym-1[h-h ] - Ym-1[h-h ]
k+m k
Y (h) = -------------------------
m h - h
k k+m
and when h -> 0:
k k+m k+1 k
k Y [0-h0/2 ] - Y [0-h0/2 ]
m-1 m-1
Y = -------------------------------
m k k+m
h0/2 - h0/2
Dividing by h0/2, we obtain:
m k+1 k
k 2 Ym-1 - Ym-1
Y = -------------
m m
2 - 1
Observing how the table elements Ym are calculated, we can see
that it is not necessary to keep in memory a table with two dimen-
k-1 k-2 0 k
sions, we first calculate Y1, then Y2 ... until Yk. The table Ym
is then replaced by the one-dimension table, Tk:
iteration # step Ym Tk
0 h Y0 T1
1 0
1 h/2 Y0 Y1 T2 T1
2 1 0
2 h/4 Y0 Y1 Y2 T3 T2 T1
---- ---- --------- ---------
k k 0
k h/2 Y0 ... Yk Tk ... T1
To fully understand the mechanism, we recommend the reader to
0 1 0 2
manually calculate a few elements: Y1, Y1 and Y2, Y1, etc.
Or else:
2 T - T
K=1 k
T = ------------- (k = L...1)
k m
2 - 1
To sum up, we have in the program EULROMB the following steps:
1. Define the function f(x,y), the starting values, X(1), Y(1),
the starting step H, the maximum error ER, the max. number
of subdivisions LA and the number of calculations NC.
NC = (X - X ) / H
n+1 1
2. Approximate Yn+1 by Euler's method:
0 0
Y0 = Yn + h f(xn,yn) and T1 = Y0
3. Calculate the Tk elements of the extrapolation table; we
initialize the iteration with L=1.
a) XC = X ; YC = Y
n n
approximate Y by Euler's method successively dividing
the step by 2 ; T is the value of Y given by
L+1 n+1
b) Initialize the column count m=1; k=L is the T index.
c) calculate Ym or rather T using:
2 T - T
k+1 k
T = -------------
k m
2 - 1
d) if k<1 goto subroutine f.
e) test convergence: if |Tk - Tk+1| < ER, the iteration is
finished, otherwise increment m, decrement k, go to step c)
f) if L<Lmax, increment L then goto step a) else display a
message "No convergence!"
g) if n < N, increment n, go to 2. else end program.
Note: the program EULROMB is made such as the solution Yk is
stored for all the points (this is not always necessary).
[From BIBLI 04].
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